Monday, October 21, 2013

Our visit to the Children's Corner of the Montreal Symphony

Jeff, Cameron and I had our fist visit to the Montreal Symphony, as part of a wonderful three part series just for children:  The Children's Corner of the Symphony.  Each performance has some live acting component on stage to go along with the orchestra's performance.  Here's a link to the program:

The first performance was called The Phantoms of the Opera.  At first I thought that meant the music would be from the Phantom of the Opera, but it turned out that it based on the music from The Sorcerer's Apprentice and the "phantoms" were all the musicians, the conductor and a couple of mimes.  The show began with a dark stage and a mime coming out dressed on a ghostly kind of tucks, who walked out with a candelabra, laid it on the top of the organ which was stage right, then played the organ as a smokey haze from dry ice covered the stage.  Then the musicians came out dressed in black but with ripped white cloth or toilet paper draping them, dragging themselves on stage like mummies rising from the dead, complete with groans and an occasional shriek.  

Outside of the symphony there were placards showing the different groupings of instruments with the instrument names below.  

 All in all, a great performance.  In the end, we got back on our bikes and rode 6 kilometers back to our apartment, a nice ride most of the way because of the bike path on one of the main roads.

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