Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Canada Quiz


For all of you interested in learning more about Canada in an interesting and fun way, you can check out my husband, Jeff's, "Canada Quiz".  He has a weekly question about Canadian culture, history, politics, the arts, nature, and obscure facts.   Here's the link to the website where all past questions are posted:

For example, below is this week's question.  (He put the sign on a lego background to prevent people from doing a quick search on Google images.)

Jeff's weekly email:
Hi everyone.  I suspect that Canada Quiz #28 may be a tough one.  The sign mystified me for quite some time when I first came across it.

What does the sign in the foreground below signify?

Answers are due by end-of-day Monday, March 31.  Earn 2 points for a correct answer, and 1 point for an incorrect one.
Have a good weekend!

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